The prothrombin time (PT) test allows physicians to appropriately adjust the patient’s dose of the drug tocompensate for any diet and lifestyle changes.
XpreciaTM Prime – Coagulation Analyser*
Xprecia Prime™ is the new and improved generation of portablecoagulation monitoring device. Xprecia Prime™ is small, accurate, andeasyto use. This new coagulation analyzer is designed for fast andreliablePT/INR testing, allowing medical practitioners to monitor vitaminKantagonist oral anticoagulation therapy (e.g. Warfarin, Coumadinetc.) atthe point of care (POC), primary care, urgent care, and hospitals.
- Product Model: Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyzer
- Principle: Electrochemical cell technology
- Dimensions: 147 × 84 × 32 mm (5.79 × 3.31 × 1.26 in)
- Weight: 210 g (7.41 oz)
- Sample type and Volume: Finger prick of blood / venous blood*
- Reporting range (Linearity): 0.8 — 8.0 INR
- Operating temperature: 0°C
Kit Includes
- 1 x Xprecia Prime™ Analyzer
- 1 x Charger
- 1 x Replacement cap
- 1 x Power supply (including USB cable &4 sockets)
- 1 x User guide
- 2 x Quick start guide for:
- 1 x patient test
- 1 x LQC test
PT/INR Test Strips
Xprecia Prime™ PT/INR Test Strips are designed for usewiththeXprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyzer. Each test strip contains specially formulated dry reagents which allow PT/INR to be measured by the Xprecia Prime™. These reagents trigger the electro chemical
detection which enables quick and precise results that correlates with bench-top analyzers in the laboratory.
1. Sample application area
2. Strip barcode
3. Test Strip insertion end
4. Test Strip vial barcode
XpreciaTM Liquid Quality Controls (LQC)
PT/INR Liquid Quality Control Kit for the use with any Xprecia™CoagulationAnalyzer. The Xprecia™ Systems PT Controls kit contains assayedcontrolsforthe assessment of precision and accuracy in the normal (LiquidQualityControl PT1) and therapeutic (Liquid Quality Control PT2) rangefortheprothrombin time (PT). They must be used with the correspondingXprecia™PT/INR Strips for the analyzer.
Each kit contains the following:
4 x PT Control 1
4 x PT Control 2
8 x 1.0 mL CaCl2 Diluent
8 x Transfer pipettes
1 x Instructions for Use